Eyeaye launches AR Music Streaming
We’ve launched Music Streaming in AR (Augmented Reality) as our Eyeaye MVP. Here’s a few reasons why…
- AR just makes discovering new music more fun!!!
- The biggest problem for artists right now is exposure. We believe immersive technology like AR will offer more creative solutions in the immediate future for creators to promote their music.
- AR is one of the most accessible immersive tech mediums available to anyone but still very untapped by artists for fan base engagement.
- Right now, Eyeaye can make AR experiences and tools available for any emerging and independent artist, not just high profile artists with big budgets.
- We can offer a whole new twist on music streaming and scale it globally via Web AR wherever our QR codes can be scanned.
I could go on and on and on. But for now check out our first collaboration with Brisbane Artist SAMMM and keep your eyes and ears open for more news soon.